Two Important Things You Didn't Know About Life Insurance

Life insurance policy with pen and a pair of reading glasses
Two Important Things You Didn't Know About Life Insurance
By dirtcheaplical Feb 17, 2015


In DCLI’s many years of experience providing life insurance, we’ve served thousands of clients. Some ask numerous questions, and some ask none.  At DCLI, we make it a point to address the needs of our wide-ranging client base by equipping them with the information they need to make informed decisions on their life insurance.  We not only educate clients when a policy is purchased, but we provide ongoing information and assistance.  To that end, the purpose of this blog is to serve as a vehicle for providing education on important changes and opportunities concerning life insurance.  Additionally, we know that most of our clients lead very busy lives, so it is also intended to save you time and energy doing research, by being consistently available to answer any questions you may have about life insurance.

This first blog will touch on two areas.  First, do you know that a major change in your life may affect your life insurance policy?  Second, do you know that you could be eligible for free life insurance?  Keep reading to learn more….


Are you still protected? Every time you have a major change in your life, you should check with your life insurance agent to ensure that you are properly protected.  For example, if you are having a child your coverage may need to increase.  If you are retiring from your job, you may need additional coverage due to the fact that the face amount of most job insurance policies substantially decreases once the employee enters retirement. 


Free life insurance: Did you know that you can obtain life insurance at no cost through Return of Premium?  ROP is one of the newest types of policies offered, and most major companies carry it. Ask you insurance agent for more information. 


Next time something major happens remember to consult your insurance agent to make sure you are properly covered. 


Dirt Cheap Life Insurance

Visit our website or contact one of our customer service representatives to get affordable life insurance information.
Phone: 1-877-371-1519